Maybe you are not sure how to find a crystal singing bowl that are just suitable for you. Today let me share a related article on the internet and hope it will help you. See bellow.
Choosing the Note:
a. Based on availability - It is nice to be able to hear the bowl you are buying.
b. Based on your voice - For each person, there is a particular note that is the easiest to tone. This is generally the key that you speak in. When you tone with bowl in this key you can tone longer without getting tired. Also, people often find this to be the most comfortable note to tone, because it is the note that requires the least amount of energy. We have also found that this is the note that people use to express love with their words.
c. Based on your Soul Note - Everybody has a "home" note. Those in the field call it different things: Soul note, signature frequency, central processor frequency, or your resonant frequency. It is nice to have bowl that resonates with your own Soul. It is especially grounding and helps bring you to the deepest state of peace. We can help you find this note for $50 online and $85 at the Institute. However, you may find that you would rather just find the note that feels the best for you intuitively.
d. Based on the note itself or the chakra it represents - You can choose the note based on what note you might need for a project. You can also choose the note based on the Chakra that it is associated with.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.
Good news for you! 18" and 20" Frosted Crystal Singing Bowl are on sale now! Only $89 for each piece with random note.(That is to say, you could not choose the note of the bowl.) If you are interest, contact us at once!