Practitioner Bowls

The Practitioner Bowls are pure quartz crystal singing bowls that have been designed with a quartz tube or rod handle. We have found value in Practitioner Bowls of all sizes, but especially enjoy them 7 inches or larger. We recommend a Clear Practitioner Bowl in the key of C or D which are lower tones that people generally enjoy, and also with the pitch you will get a good sized bowl 7-8 inches. These sizes are dependably good sizes for bowls to deliver a good sized volume, and are generally easy to play.


It is said that the Practitioner Bowls are the most practical of the crystal sonic tools that have thus far manifested on the planet. They are lightweight and easy to use - the glass goblet design allows you to comfortably move with them while resonating their wondrous sounds. They are a true gift to assist with sound healing and frequency shifting. The only downside to a Practitioner Bowl is that you can’t play more than one at a time, because you have to use on of your hands to hold the bowl.


Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.