The sound of the singing bowls has been used successfully for deep relaxation and relief of pain. People record CD or cassette tape to show the new learners how to play the singing bowls and show the special sound of the bowls. The bowls are sounded individually beginning one bowl, and continuing up the scale sounding a bowl to correspond with each chakra. Listening to singing bowls through speakers (not just headphones) enables the vibration to be felt not only by the auditory system, but also by all parts of the body. Sometimes you can feel the vibrations of different bowls in different parts of your body.
When listen to the CD or cassette tape related to the singing bowls, find your special place, your favorite armchair perhaps, or lie down and relax completely, then close your eyes and allow yourself to take a journey in your"body of light". Let the teacher’s voice guide you gently along the way, stay awhile in the silence offered, and gradually return, accompanied by the soothing sounds of the singing bowls. Relax, enjoy and feel like the light and peace enfold you. Carry the feeling with you wherever you go. You could try to play the bowls yourself if you are interested.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.