It is wise for the facilitator to be grounded before and after any healing work with singing bowls. A patient may heal more quickly if in a meditative state, but it is important to be grounded after a session, otherwise, one may feel vulnerable and insecure.
The following are some protective grounding techniques to use with the singing bowls.
1. Wash hands before and after a session.
2. Simply breathe in the color Red, bringing it from the very core of the earth, up into the feet, legs and Root Chakra. Hold for a moment, then breathe out back down into the Earth. Repeat three times. This will ground us.
3. Enfold yourself and the patient with White Light, like a cloud.
4. Drink structured water before a session.
5. Use the Chakra Balancing "Protector"Oil. Amongst ten other pure essential oils, this contains Frankincense and Myrrh, very cleansing and protective for the aura. Rubbed on the hands, used around the outside of the body, and then breathed in deeply from the palms, it is wonderfully refreshing, protective and cleansing. Many therapists use this before and after a session.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.