Crystal singing bowl appeared in the ancient days actually. There were healer-priests at that time. They went from one neighborhood to another, helping people to know themselves and to see the Divine within each other. One of the special artifacts they took with them was a small crystal singing bowl. It was always blessed before each use, and when it was sounded emerged a glorious energy as it were into the atmosphere, the room, the building, the Sanctuary, and touched everyone. Above all, it created a healing energy within sick people that they could use, if they so wished, to come to terms with themselves and be balanced energetically.
Now is the time for those with crystal singing bowls to help in this same way. We need each of us to tune into ourselves and understand the tone we need at the moment to balance. Certainly, as a healer, it is important to have enough experience about the sound healing. Channels for healing need to learn as much as possible about each bowl, what can be done with the particular sound (although much of the time it is individual), they need to try it on themselves, to get to know intuitively what can be accomplished.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.