Quartz crystal tuning fork

A magnificent energy conductor, the quartz crystal tuning fork is designed for the professional practitioner and plays for a full five minutes with one tap of the rubber mallet. It could emanate a pure, gentle and effective frequency. Usually the crystal tuning fork is placed on or around the needed area of the client's body. The vibration is focused and direct, and you feel as it is brought close to you. These new forks incorporate traditional tuning fork design, and project a pure sine wave of energy through any bone or soft tissue.


The quartz crystal tuning forks are made of high purity fused quartz and they are usually optically clear. They come in size: small, medium, large and so on. The corresponding note is C, D, E, F, G, A, B just the same as the crystal singing bowls. They are also available in full diatonic scale of low C to High C. As a magnificent energy conductor, the crystal tuning fork is widely used among acupressure, cranial sacral and massage therapy practitioners.


Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.