Crystal tuning fork and original tuning fork

Here is the crystal tuning fork made of fused quartz. If you have two crystal tuning forks of the same pitch and you strike one, the other will also make sound. This is called"sympathetic resonance". The second fork resonates with the first one, and makes sound itself as if somebody has struck it. Resonance occurs when the vibrations of one object reach out and set off vibrations in another object. If the two objects have closely similar frequencies and one is vibrated, the other object will also sound.

Original tuning fork is also a sound generator, looking similar to the crystal tuning fork, also with "Y" shaped, but made of steel or aluminum alloy, not fused quartz. It could make pure tone of different frequencies due to its different quality, fork length and thickness. The original tuning fork was invented in 1711 by the Englishman John Scholl who is a lute performer. The Lute is very difficult to tune, so he invented tuning fork to help it tuning. Usually, the sound of the tuning fork is weak and sometimes you have to put the fork close to ear to hear clearly. For this reason, the tuning fork is sometimes pressed on a solid surface such as a table after knocking.
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