Today let us learn something about the advice for the therapist using crystal singing bowls for his patient. The following are only basic suggestions, and certainly, a therapist could create his/her very own method. Firstly we need to clear ourselves. A prayer or blessing and a clearing of your own thoughts would be advisable before beginning.
1. Ground yourself.
2. Ask the patient to remove watch and other jewelry.
3. Tune the bowls and use them firstly to clear the space.
4. Go within together with patient to find a focus point for healing. Ask the patient to relax and to be open to receive healing energies. Try to determine the appropriate chakras and notes needed.
5. It is entirely a matter of choice and practice to rub either the inside or outside of the bowl in any direction with the rubber or suede mallet until the desired vibration is created.
6. Moving the bowl around someone’s aura whilst the bowl is being played can be very powerful.
7. Stand the bowl on a stool at the head of the table and clear the chakras whilst it resonates.
8. Two or more bowls can be used in harmony for healing. They need to be placed up to a foot apart. The patient may make a choice of which ones to play together and experience the harmonies.
9. Do not sound bowl too near the patient’s head, keep it at least 12"away. Do not play the bowl with head inside.
10. Bowls may break if played loudly especially too near others, or if the room is too small. They are as fragile as glass if bumped by a hard object. It is suggested to play only one or two at a time. Use intuition at all times.
11. After a session, let the patient lie in silence for a short while.