Singing bowls, whether they are Quartz Singing Bowls or Tibetan Singing Bowls, are associated with the Chakra system of the human body, and correspondingly to the musical scale. If you are not sure which bowl might be right for you there is plenty of information on this site to help you choose. Take a look at SEVEN CHAKRA page, as well as the pages on each chakra. They include the symptoms related to an imbalance of the Chakra -physical, mental, and psychological- as well as affirmations and exercises to go with your bowl for the healing and alignment of the Chakra.
Which Quartz Singing Bowl is best for you? An easy way to find your suitable bowl is to take a chakra test. Find Out! The questionnaire consists of 56 questions, to which you can answer "not at all" through "definitely." Try to be as honest as possible about yourself, as this will get you the most accurate results. Next to a list indicating whether each chakra is under-active, open or over-active, the test results consist of a graph displaying the activity of each chakra. Experience the magic for yourself and try your own special bowl!