The Crystal Singing Bowls are available in clear or frosted bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6-24 inch diameter. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. They are associated with the musical scale, starting with C, then D, E, F, G, A and B. Some bowls harmonize with other bowls, and when both are played simultaneously, the effect is exquisite and synergistic. The Crystal Singing Bowl has the similar effect with Tibet singing bowl, but its sound more beautiful, longer and stronger than metal singing bowl. Crystal singing bowl with strong frequency can help people purify the mind, release pressure and so on.
The Crystal Singing Bowls are made from over 99.9% pure quartz crystal, a naturally occurring element. The crystal is placed in a mold and heated to about 4000 degrees. Because our bodies are also composed of a crystalline structure, using Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for healing and meditation allows us to respond more quickly and favorably to the sound as therapy. This is why crystals are a key element in many different holistic medicine healing practices. The bowls are applied in the following areas: Sound therapy and meditation, Healing, Chakra aligning and total cleansing, Transmitting energies, Energising the Physical and Energetic Bodies, Fengshui and Yoga. The suitable crowds are Sound Therapists, Massage Practitioners, Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Reiki Practitioners, Musicians, Singers, Voice Coaches, Meditation Teachers and Energy workers.