Frosted quartz crystal singing bowls are larger and heavier and range from 8 to 24 inches in diameter. The largest bowls play very low notes indeed and ring on for over a minute after you stop playing them. There are two types of stick - suede covered wood and a rubber ball stick. We supply the one that works best on any bowl. Suede sticks are generally only needed for 8 or 10 inch bowls. Rubber ball sticks work on most 10 inch or larger bowls and are preferable as they make virtually no noise as they rub round the outside of the bowls.
These beautiful and luminescent frosted quartz crystal singing bowl emit an expansive sound that fills whatever space it is in. Evocative of ancient temples, the sound of frosted quartz crystal singing is a combination of bell, gong and "voice". The larger the bowl the lower the pitch tends to be and the greater the resonance. Ultimately your choice is a matter of personal preference regarding high or low pitch and length of resonance. Large bowls (16 inches or greater) can be quite heavy and cumbersome to transport which is a consideration if you want a bowl to be portable.