Each crystal singing bowl could create magic

There are three sorts of crystal singing bowl - clear, practitioner and frosted. Big ones, tiny ones, clear or frosted, they all create magic. And they are just beautiful to experience! Plus, the more that you work with the crystal singing bowls, the more you will be connected to Sound, the essence behind Creation, the Word. Occasionally there will be a few bowls that are not as resonant as we would expect. Or, the bowls break unexpectedly. We hope you will not throw it away. They would be suitable for energising elixirs or crystals in sunlight or monnlight or for any other purpose where a pure quartz bowl would be useful.


You can use any of the crystal singing bowls to cleanse the energy in a room in the same way that sage is used. For example, you could walk to each area or person, ringing the bowl. This is fabulous for situations where you cannot use burning sage. It is an excellent way for body workers and therapists to purify the energy of the room between clients. This works really well in our homes, too, where sometimes we need something extraordinarily powerful to get out those angry words left hanging in the air! Another reason that the crystal bowls are remarkable for clearing is that their pure quartz crystal matrix allows them to powerfully amplify your intention.