Recommended size of Classic Frosted Bowl

The 11 to 14 inch Classic Frosted Bowls are wonderful mid-range bowls that are not too high and not too low. They are in the octave right around Middle C and are wonderful to tone and chant with, blending beautifully with the voice. (People who begin to work with the crystal bowls often find themselves discovering a voice they never knew they had!) The 11 to 14 inch crystal bowls produce a lot of resonance and sustain, while still being easy to transport and play.


The 16" Classic Frosted Bowl is also an excellent choice for a single bowl. The 16" is where the bowls begin to move into the really deep tones that are so effective for shifting deeply held etheric patterns that are ready for change. So powerful! And 16" is the size at which you begin to FEEL the pressure waves rolling off of the bowl. You can just feel them going through your whole body and traveling up the striker into your arm. 16 inch is usually G for the Throat or A for the Third Eye.