The frosted quartz crystal singing bowls


The frosted quartz crystal singing bowls produce a pure, expansive and powerful sound that resonates deeply into the body and are available in sizes from 7” in up to 20” in diameter.The frosted quartz crystal singing bowl have a unique subtle beauty and are constructed of only the finest crystal quartz. The singing crystal bowls are complete with a frosted white finish with a beautiful luminescent shimmer that is very serene or a crystal clear version. The quartz crystal singing bowls make a fabulous conversation piece and add to any decor. Creative lighting further enhances the frosted crystal.
The notes of the frosted quartz crystal singing bowls are corresponding to seven chakras.See below.
Note C, Root Chakra Red Basic sex drive, fear and childhood trauma, and where Kundalini energy may lay dormant.
Note D, Navel Chakra, Orange, Center for processing and interpreting the emotional world around us.
Note E, Solar Plexus Chakra, Yellow, Point of personal power and the expression of creativity.
Note F, Heart Chakra, Green, Gatekeeper to the higher chakras. This is the point where we take in and send out our love.
Note G, Throat Chakra, Blue, Center for communication, both outwardly with others and inwardly with ourselves.
Note A, Third-Eye Chakra, Indigo, Center for psychic and intuitive abilities.
Note B, Crown Chakra, Violet, Imagination and Higher Self.