The Classic Frosted bowls carry an Earth energy. Their white color reminds of purity and new beginnings. Natural light enhances the bowl energies and Feng Shui appeal. Their Zen-sculpted looks are healing and their Yin/Yang qualities stellar. Classic Frosted rounded and light-filled bowls ring with fuller, smoother tones to combine for the sweetest Universal harmonies. There is C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B musical note From the 1st octave to 7th octave, mainly is 3th octave, 4th octave.
More and more people choose the Classic Frosted bowls. They are turning back to nature for healing and health. Nature provides us with the capacity to create wellness in our bodies and balance and harmony in our environments. Everything owes its existence to vibration and sound. In fact, as you read this you are vibrating and there is an entire orchestra of sound coming from every cell and all the objects in your environment. Suit crowds are sound therapists, massage practitioners, medical doctors, chiropractors, reiki practitioners, musicians, singers, voice coaches, meditation teacher and energy workers.