The clear quartz singing bowls are in small sizes (5 to 8 inches in diameter) and completely transparent. They produce a clear, pure note and the smaller ones are quite high pitched. The clear quartz singing bowls mostly have a higher pitch and a clear tone. Some clear bowls are capable of producing more than one note according to how low or high up the side they are played. The playing stick is a small hard rubber ball on a handle. They are supplied with a playing stick and a rubber ring.
The clear quartz singing bowls and other bowls could help people relaxed and feel better. But they do not replace medical advice. No medical claims are made about the use of crystal bowls. If you experience any health problems you should always consult your regular physician. Do not place a person’s head inside a crystal bowl while playing it. Do not strike or play bowl too loudly, especially near a person’s head. Place bowls at least 12 inches apart, or the vibration may shatter a bowl. Bowls may also shatter if several ones are playing in a small room. Ask before sounding the bowl.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.