Introduction to Crystal Clear Singing Bowls

The Crystal Clear Singing Bowls are transparent. They seem just like transparent glass and you can see objects across them. They sit freely and can be played hands-free, not the same as the bowls with handle. These heavenly toned bowls are lightweight and perfect for traveling. They are more readily available in smaller sizes: 6”, 7”, 8”, 9”, 10” & 12”. Clear quartz of exception purity is ideal for clearing and releasing old patterns, as well as transmuting these energies. Today's doctors and sound healers, just as yesterday's shamans, embrace the penetrating quality of sound from these pure, clear quartz bowls.


Like the frosted bowls Crystal Clear Singing Bowls are made from pure quartz but the process of manufacture is different. They are made from pieces of clear quartz tubing. A length of tubing is cut and fitted on a lathe. As the lathe slowly turns burners heat the quartz so that the shape of the crystal singing bowl is formed. This is a highly skilled process. Crystal Clear Singing Bowls are played with a different kind of rubber ball stick which uses much harder rubber. Like the frosted bowl it sits on a rubber ring to keep it steady and make it easier to play.


Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.