The Clear Quartz Singing Bowls are designed to be portable. They are easy to use and light to carry. The bowls are the highest, purest quality that manifest and create the best sound available. Each bowl is hand-tuned to a note of the diatonic musical scale. The note of the bowl determines which Chakra is balanced. When played, the bowl resonates ("sings") its particular note, opening and balancing the corresponding energy vortex (Chakra) of the body.
Clear Quartz Singing Bowls are clear and smaller than frosted bowls. Clear bowls generally give off two tones when struck, playing a prominent note and then a higher harmonic, around an 11th above. When you sing the bowl, just the prominent note comes through. Clear bowls are not as loud as frosted bowls as they have smaller walls, however, they have a much longer sustain and a clearer tone. If you are playing bowls personally, clear bowls would be a great option for you. We suggest buying a clear bowl that is at least 8 inches in diameter, as smaller clear bowls can be difficult to play.
Any questions, just contact us! PEACEFUL NATURE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD will try our best to satisfy you.