Brief introduction and research of the quartz crystal bowls

The quartz crystal bowls come in various sizes and notes. Also, some are thicker than others, they are opaque, but the smaller ones can also be clear like glass. The clearer ones have lighter, more bell-like, finer tones, both are very pleasing to the ear, and to the whole body feeling. What makes the bowls resonate? Perhaps it is the thickness and wall height. Most bowls can be any pitch you need. However, the larger ones usually have the deeper tones. Each bowl has its own note, and is very individual, as we are!We need to respect this when using them, and play with them with loving care.

Renee Brodie, British lady, a channel for healing for more than 40 years, did a research with quartz crystal bowls. This research took place over a six-week period from February 23 to March 30, 1994. She met separately with six different students every Wednesday for a private session, each lasting about one hour. Renee Brodie and her student began with a prayer, and with a very clear intention. Six weeks later, Renee Brodie got the feedback from the six students. They felt little pain or pain gone, energy gain, and feeling good. It is amazing that the bowls helped one of the students quit smoking. We can’t help saying that the quartz crystal bowl is a work of art capable of striking a chord in everyone, it makes a perfect musical tool for growth and good health.
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