Introduction of the Crystal Singing Bowl

Have you heard of the"structured water"created by the crystal bowls? It is water in which the molecules have been ordered into a crystalline-like pattern. It is said that healthy tissue in the body is more liquid crystalline in nature than fluid, and also that it has more of an organized crystalline structure than non-healthy tissue. You could use a 9"or 12"clear bowl, fill the bowl one-third with distilled water and dry the inside near the top. Sound the bowl, observe the water as it effervesces, creating liquid crystal and then drink it.

The experiment with this fashioning crystal singing bowls carried on, until they were more hollow and deeper, and one among the Atlanteans fashioned through insight a Great Bowl made of quartz crystal and silica. It sounded a note much like G and this was the balancer for the auric fields. People felt very balanced, and they could go about their daily tasks with ease and delight. The Atlantean Priest who formulated the Great Bowl then passed on his knowledge to a select few younger priests. There was great joy in Atlantis then, where mighty and beautiful healing temples filled the land.
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