Quartz Singing Bowls are wonderful for personal use, and they are also valuable for use in your work. They are used as tools in complementary therapy, holistic healing, and alternative medicine by many massage therapists, acupuncturists, energy healers, counselors of all types, and holistic doctors, dentists and chiropractors. Quartz Singing Bowls are used for sound therapy, musical performance, group meditation, and workshop processes. They are even finding their way into such traditional settings as churches and business offices. They bring balance and harmony to every place that they are used.
Although many people choose Quartz Singing Bowls to use in their work, most of our bowls are purchased by people buying them just for themselves and their family. The singing quartz crystal provides that "music of the spheres" that all of us need. Use quartz singing bowls to enhance meditation, intuition, relaxation and bodywork. They are powerful for music therapy, chakra system balancing, emotional release and clearing of people and places. Singing bowls enliven ceremony, celebration and ritual, as well as provide the perfect vibration for working in nature with the Earth.