The pure tones of crystal singing bowls produce a vibrational sound field which resonates the light body energy centers (chakras) and corresponding physical areas. It holds the vibration of white light, which ultimately refracts into the rainbow and acts directly on our chakras when played. There are seven musical notes that correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow, and these are related to the seven main chakras, which in turn correspond to different areas of the endocrine gland system. A series of pure crystal tone sessions facilitates the rebalancing of each receiver back into an elevated level of etheric radiance.
Each crystal singing bowl is made of almost 100% silicon quartz (sometimes there are infintisimal amounts of other natural minerals that were found with the quartz). One reason why the pure tones vibrate our body is that it has a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances - the bones, blood and DNA are crystalline in structure, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies.