The effect of the crystal singing bowls to the brain

As the pure tones of the crystal singing bowls affect brain wave activity, one can travel into an altered state of consciousness. As different parts of the brain are affected, it is probable that different hormones and neuro-chemicals are released that suppress pain, overcome addictions, strengthen willpower, and foster creativity. It has the power to bring about a positive shift in our consciousness, and as our awareness expands, we grow close to our original selves and start to reflect the highest radiance in our physical form.


Eva Rudy Jansen, in her book Singing Bowls (1990). docu-mented the effect of Tibetan metal bowls which is similar to the crystal singing bowls: "It is possible to record the waves produced by singing bowls. It was found that among the wave patterns of different singing bowls, there is a measurable wave pattern which is equivalent to the alpha waves produced by the brain. These bowls, in particular, instill a sense of deep relaxation and inner space opening up." (page 42)