Playing and cleansing your Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl

The Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are high quality pure crystal product, and with expert design. They are harmonically tuned. The beautiful sound from the bowl is tuned to a special note and is truly heavenly and must be heard to be truly appreciated. The associated alpha waves coming from the bowl enhance relaxation and balancing. It is ideal for realigning energy in the body for healing, but also for use with Feng Shui in your living space, musical performance, meditation, and for spiritual workshops.


Always bring your intention to the playing of Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl. Since quartz holds memory and magnifies, it can be programmed for your purposes. So focus of thought and intention while playing your bowl is very important. Your bowl contains natural pure light and can bring about balance and order to your body and mind. And so let your intentions be magnified and programmed with conscious intention! Cleansing your bowl is important. There are different methods for cleansing your bowl. It is important to do, before and after use (unless you want your bowl to hold your 'program'). Some cleansing methods are involved ritual and some are quick and easy.