Project the correct vibrations of our bodies using our own voices

As Jonathan Goldman says: It seems that we have the ability to project the correct vibrations to imbalanced portions of our own bodies using our own voices. It is important when channeling healing energies by laying on of hands, for both the receiver and yourself to tone in unison, if possible while you are also bathed in color from spectrochrome lamps (using colored gels). This allows the person to actively participate in his/her own healing, rather than lying there passively whilst the therapist does the work. The healing then will be much more effective.



We can tone in or after a bath or shower – we can practice it before daily meditations. It is simple enough to do – merely standtall, centre yourself, clear your mind, take a deep breath, an during exhalation allow a tone – any tone – to come through you for as long as the breath lasts. Repeat this until the feeling comes that there is no more to release. It adds to the quality of sound to use color visualization ( whatever color comes to mind ) with a hand on the sore spot. Or else simply move up the chakraladderwith the colors and release any note that comes forth. You do not have to use a scale. Simply be yourself, and allow the notes to sound forth. They will be exactly what your body needs at the moment. Directing specific sound through the chakras into the physical body provides balance. The entire energy system is strengthened.