Results of research with quartz crystal bowls

Renee Brodie, British lady, a channel for healing for more than 40 years, did a research with quartz crystal bowls. This research took place over a six-week period from February 23 to March 30, 1994. She met separately with six different students every Wednesday for a private session, each lasting about one hour. Renee Brodie and her student began with a prayer, and with a very clear intention, e.g."that this organ (or some other function) is now working perfectly for the highest good of this individual… and we give love and deep thanks". She then linked her higher self to the student’s with deep love. They began by sounding the largest ( or deepest-toned) bowl to ground us, and finished with C an octave higher to clear the chakras and balance them, then the deepest one once more to ground them.

Interestingly, the quartz crystal bowls were chosen by intuition, being related to the parts of the body needing help. Everyone could use the bowl him/herself well, although there may be discomfort in the beginning. Finally, all students were encouraged to tone at home each day using the following steps: 1) express their clear intention, 2) hold a hand over the affected area, 3) take a deep breath, 4) tone using whatever sound comes, 5)repeat several times. Six weeks later, Renee Brodie got the feedback from the six students. They felt little pain or pain gone, energy gain, and feeling good. It is amazing that the bowls helped one of the students quit smoking. We can’t help saying that the quartz crystal bowl is a work of art capable of striking a chord in everyone, it makes a perfect musical tool for growth and good health.