Quartz crystal bowls can do good to people’s recovery from an operation or accident.
When an operation or accident happens, the whole body will be jarred and therefore imbalanced and the nearest chakras will be either over or under energized and need balancing. It is necessary then to find a suitable sound and color to restore balance. This could be a single note with all its harmonics or separate tones, one for the upper and one for the lower body, played at separate intervals. Since each case is so individual, this will need tuning-in with intuition together with the client, before equilibrium can be restored.
Take heart with your research, your trials, errors and success with the sounds of the quartz crystal bowls, for they are to be played wherever possible for the healing and balancing of the energies and humankind. Be joyous when working with the bowls, feel their very lightness of sound, and know that hearts are gently touched and opened to the light, something for which inwardly there is such a longing. Let us work with the bowls, and with the shinning ones be a special trinity, to help clear humankind for the new age of peace and love.