Possible accessories for the frosted crystal singing bowls and bowls are excelent tools for us to keep balanced.
O-ring, mallet, and carrying case are the possible accessories for the frosted crystal singing bowls. The bowls usually rest on a "O” Ring base. The O-ring, either is made of rubber or silica, is a small circle which serves as a stand for the bowl if you wish to play it on a table or any other surface. A rich, resonant tone exudes from the frosted crystal singing bowls by striking gently or rubbing them with the accompanying mallet. There are carrying cases for you to put the bowls in. It is very convenient for you to travel with the bowls which fit nicely inside the carrying cases and could be protected well from breakage.
Frosted crystal singing bowl is a kind of Healing musical bowl. The notes are: C, D, E, F, G, A and B and they correspond to the seven major chakras(energy centers) of our bodies. Each bowl is hand-tuned to a note of the diatonic musical scale. When played, the bowl resonates ("sings") its particular note, opening and balancing the corresponding energy vortex (Chakra). When physical, mental and environmental factors interfere and cause the vibrations of our body go out of tune and into a state of imbalance, Healing musical bowl is such an excelent tool for you to get back to normal and balance.