Different sized and different kind of bowls vary in pitch.
The crystal singing bowls have different styles, for example, frosted, optically clear, ultra light or colored. In addition to a variety of sizes, they also vary in pitch, ranging from high and clear to deep and soothing. Someone says that bowl size and wall thickness dictate the tone and octave. Generally, the larger the bowl, the longer the sound will reverberate or sustain and the lower the pitch will be. Large bowls produce a large volume with a large amount of vibration. Not all tones are possible in all sizes. There are restrictions for the size of bowl you will get if you want a specific pitch.
Different kind of crystal singing bowls have different properties. We found that the Frosted singing bowls tend to have an octave higher sound than the Clear quartz bowls in the same size. They have the thicker walls than the clear bowls, so they can hold more vibration. Because of this frosted bowls are generally the loudest and most vibrant option you can choose. Another possible explanation is that the processes for manufacture help to determine the sound in the end. Frosted bowls are made in a mold, heated and spun into shape, while Clear quartz products are made from extruded Quartz tubing.